Saturday, August 19, 2006

Notepad++ ---an open source replacement for notepad and more

Notepad++ logo
Notepad++ is a powerful source editor with conceise user interface and multi-language support. Maybe more importantly, it's FREE :D.
I'm not a developer myself, so I don't wanna talk anything about coding in Notepad++, but I still enjoy a lot using it as a general text editor, writing some HTML or script.
Another reason I mention this, at this time, is that I'm looking for some Open soure replacements for the generic programs I use everyday.

See what the author has to say about it:

What is Notepad++?

Notepad++ is a generic source editor (it tries to be anyway) and Notepad replacement written in C++ with the win32 API. The aim of Notepad++ is to offer a slim and efficient binary with a totally customizable GUI.

Why another source editor?

I worked for a big smart card company as engineer developer, and I took charge of looking for an alternative solution for an internal tool coded in Java. The internal tool needed an edit component, and I found Scintilla (which allows me to develop in C++) via Internet. I began my conception and development in this project.

Unfortunately the project is abandoned after 3 months. The reason is political : our company will use a new environment of development, as well a property language, to re-develop all internal tools. All the developers are forced to use this unstable and uncomfortable IDE and the incoherent property language.

As a C++/Java developer, I decided to continue the project with my spare time. The prototype of project was already done, I removed the components which depend on the specification of abandoned project - It made a generic code editor. Then I made it available on sourceforge and I continue to improve it : that's the beginning of Notepad++.

So you asked me "Why another source editor", the answer that I can give you is :
"Why not? Since I enjoy myself with it."

How to install :

From the installer :
Just follow the install wizard.
From the zip :
just unzip all the files into a directory you want then launch it.

For the non-English speaking user :
Go to Dowload section to download your language :

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