Saturday, April 26, 2008

Turn Off the PC-Speaker

 Did you ever get annoyed for that beeping sound from your Windows Machine, especially when you're in office or some other public places? You mute all sound devices but it didn't work. Here is how to turn it off.
当你正在办公室或者其他地方使用电脑,但突然它发出尖锐的"嘟嘟"声。 非常恼人,不是吗?你将所有设备都设为静音,但仍然无济于事。这里我们有一个办法来关掉它。

  In Windows 2k/XP,click "start >> Run", key in "devmgmt.msc" and press "Enter" to go into device manager, select the "Show hidden devices" option in the "View" menu, go to "non plug and play device" find that device named "Beep" and set it to disabled.


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